QuickstartSaleor CMS

Add content with Saleor CMS

This guide will help you set up Saleor CMS, which manages your storefront’s homepage, footer, and navigation.

Configure homepage

Saleor CMS relies on attributes to organize content and specific attributes are required for setting up the homepage. Refer to the screenshots below to identify the necessary attributes.

Create required attributes

Navigate to Saleor dashboard > Configuration > Attributes and Product Types and select Attributes. Create the following attributes:

Carousel products - display up to 8 products in a carousel on the homepage: Carousel products attribute

Homepage banner button text - display button text on banner section: Banner button text attribute

Homepage banner header - display header on banner section: Banner header attribute

Homepage banner image - display the background image of the banner section: Banner image attribute

Homepage button text - display button text on page bottom: Button text attribute

Homepage grid item header - display header on featured carousel’s element: Grid item header attribute

Homepage grid item header font color - set the font color of the header on featured carousel’s element: Grid item header font color attribute

Homepage grid item image - display the background image of the featured carousel’s element: Grid item image attribute

Homepage grid item subheader - display subheader on featured carousel’s element: Grid item subheader attribute

Homepage grid item subheader font color - set the font color of subheader on featured carousel’s element: Grid item subheader font color attribute

Create Homepage page type

To set up the homepage, you need to create Page Type and assign appropriate attributes. Follow these steps:

Go to Saleor dashboard > Configuration > Content Management and select Page Types.

Create new Page Type

Click on Create page type. Enter the name Homepage for Content Type Name and click Save.

Assign attributes

Assign all required attributes to Homepage Page Type: Homepage page type attribute

Create an actual homepage

Once Homepage Page Type is set up, you can create the actual homepage content by following these steps:

Go to Saleor dashboard > Content and click Create content.

Select Page Type

In the dropdown, select Homepage. This ensures that attributes assigned to Homepage Page Type are available for editing.

Fill in attributes

Go to Saleor dashboard > Configuration > Miscellaneous and select Navigation

Click Create menu to open menu creation form. For the main navigation, name menu navbar. This menu will manage links displayed in your website’s header navigation. For the footer, create another menu and name it footer. This menu will handle links displayed in the footer section of your website. Navigation menus

Create Menu items

Select the menu you want to edit and click Create new item to open the menu item creation form. Menu items can link to various resources:

  • Category,
  • Collection,
  • Static Page - link to page created in Content section,
  • URL - URL to an external website or link to an internal page within your storefront.

Configure Static Page

A static page in Saleor is used for standalone content, such as “About Us” or “Contact” page. Unlike Homepage page type, Static Page does not require attributes. Follow these steps to create one:

Go to Saleor dashboard > Configuration > Content Management and select Page Types.

Create new Page Type

Click on Create page type. Enter the name Static page for Content Type Name and click Save.

Enter page details

  • Title - provide a title for the page (e.g., “About Us”).
  • Slug - specify the slug for the page, this will determine its URL (e.g., /about-us).
  • Content - use a rich text editor to add your content (e.g., text paragraphs, headings, bullet points or numbered lists, images, hyperlinks)

Create an actual static page

Creating an actual static page follows the same steps as creating a homepage.